Monday, March 9, 2015

Update 22 and Phil Fish

Hello there. The last several days have been quite an adventure. My uncle died, my son went into the hospital (he should recover just fine), and my car was totaled (by a blown head gasket). One of the best things about writing about pop-culture is that is requires a combination of seriousness and levity. Unfortunately, seriousness and levity are difficult to attain along side exhaustion and stress.

So, I really don't have much for you this week, nor do I have much time in which to write it before the clock strikes midnight. So, what I'm going to do is embed a rather non sequitor video for you to ponder. 

The subject matter is a man named Phil Fish who developed a very good indie video game called "Fez", and who many people on the internet came to dislike very strongly. 

I do not promise perfection in the analysis, style, or argument of this video, but it is thought-provoking as it attempts to grapple with the difference between a person and the digital paper-trail left by and about a person on the internet that forms a sort of caricature of them.

Give it a watch if you like, no pressure. And, I hope I'll be back next week with a couple witticisms and an update on the book.

© 2015 John Hiner III

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