Monday, March 16, 2015

Update 23

Progress Report

The current structural plan of the book is to alternate between a more generally philosophical chapter (such as the chapter on human nature, or the chapter on art) and a chapter that comments on some particular piece of pop-culture which is relevant to the surrounding philosophical discussions.

I've started work on one of these more focused, critical chapters. The subject is Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. What it's led to so far is some general conversation about the nature of music, and how the modern "band" fits into that.

Here's a link to a previous discussion of mine about music. I'm sure I'll be revisiting that article as this chapter develops. And, below is an excerpt from the newly begun chapter. Go ahead and tell me what you think.

A Teaser

"Making music requires careful thought and planning, and repeated practice. But, when we listen to music, if that preparation and care has come to fruition, the music itself will not seem like the result of a long, laborious process of production, but like a spontaneous and living thing. And, when the piece of music is great (if not necessarily good) that living thing is filled with mysterious and dynamic purpose; intense intention; a commanding presence that invisibly dominates the place in which it is heard.

A great piece of music draws the listener into a world of its own; a world of mental sensations and glimpses of thoughts, a world of emotions.

Smells Like Teen Spirit is such a piece of music.

And, this contrast between the experience of listening to music, and the nature of making music, might even cause you to think of Nirvana as disingenuous. This is because of the nature of being “a band”, which we’ll have to take a little detour here and discuss, I guess..."

© 2015 John Hiner III

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